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Delegate Terry Austin represents the 37th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.

Currently serving a sixth term in the House, he is on the committees of Appropriations, Transportation, Rules, and General Laws. He also serves as Chairman of the VA250 Commission, Vice Chair of the I-81 Advisory Committee, and is a member of the MEI Project Approval Commission, and the Governor’s Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates.

Delegate Austin is a native of Buchanan, Virginia and President of Austin Electrical Construction Inc., a small business that specializes in airport runway lighting which he founded forty-seven years ago. He serves on the boards of Bank of Botetourt and Carilion Clinic.

Terry and his wife, Kathy have four children and eleven grandchildren. They reside in Buchanan.

Del Austin Holiday Card 2018.jpg

©2020 Paid for and authorized by Terry L. Austin for House of Delegates.

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